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Bastion -- Hack the box

介绍 目标: (Windows) Kali: In conclusion, Bastion is not a medium box. But it would be easier to solve this box with windows VM. Command VM may be a good choice. But it can be finished by kali. 总的来说,Bastion 其实并不是一个特别简单的机器。如果使用 windows 可以更方便地解决这台靶机。Command VM 对于这台靶机其实挺不错的,不过我们也可以使用 kali 来完成这个靶机。 信息枚举 Firstly, detect the open ports: 首先,探测开放端口 # Nmap 7.70 scan initiated Sun May 5 12:33:32 2019 as: nmap -sT -p- --min-rate 10000 -oN ports 10.

Holiday -- hack the box

Introduction Target: Kali: Holiday is an insane box officially. It’s really difficult to get the user permission. The most difficult part should be how to pass the XSS filter. It may need a lot of time. And the root privesc is based on the exploitation of npm install which is relatively fresh. Information enumeration As usual, use nmap to detect open ports and related services: nmap -A

Help -- hack the box

Introduction Target: Linux) Kali: To be honest, Help is not a difficult box. But there are some rabbit holes in the box. And in some case, you may come across some very strange situations. May you should step back, find if there is something wrong. For the PrivEsc of root, never give up trying the most basic method. Infomation Enumeration Firstly, gather open ports and services: # Nmap 7.

Bashed -- hack the box

Introduction Target: (OS: Linux) Kali linux: Information Enumeration Firstly, detect the open ports: # Nmap 7.70 scan initiated Wed Apr 3 20:48:43 2019 as: nmap -sT -p- --min-rate 10000 -oA openports Warning: giving up on port because retransmission cap hit (10). Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.31s latency). Not shown: 39680 closed ports, 25854 filtered ports PORT STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open http Only port 80 is open, it may be an easy box.

Nibbles - Hack the box

Introduction Target: Linux) Kali linux: Information Enumeration Firstly, detect the open ports: nmap -sT -p- --min-rate 10000 -oA openports There are not too many open ports, just 80 and 22. Detect the detailed services of the open ports: nmap -sC -sV -oA services Nothing special found. The only clue may be the open port of 80. To be honest, the box with less open ports is easier in general.

Cronos -- hack the box

Introduction Target machine: linux) Kali linux: Enumeration Firstly, detect the open ports: nmap -sT -p- --min-rate 10000 -oA openports 3 ports is open, detect the detailed services: namp -sV -sC -p22.53.80 -Pn -oA services So we can conduct the relation of ports of ports and services as following: port service 53 DNS 22 ssh 80 http Exploitation http As the target machine provides http service, try to access http://10.