最近做的道路识别一开始终于弄懂了点东西,一开始在网上找到了一个简单的道路识别的opencvsharp的版本。我觉得opencvsharp真的是一个很好的东西,它封装了比opencv更多的数据结构和库,而且得益于.net平台的强大,使用起来也非常的便捷。唯一的缺点就是目前关于这方面的资料还是少之又少,后来我还是想一想把这个demo转换成cpp版本,也是一个非常简单的demo。 opencvsharp版本 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using OpenCvSharp; namespace LaneDetection { class Program { [STAThread] static void Main() { CvCapture cap = CvCapture.FromFile("test1.mp4"); CvWindow w = new CvWindow("Lane Detection"); CvWindow canny = new CvWindow("Canny"); IplImage src, gray, dstCanny, halfFrame, smallImg; CvMemStorage storage = new CvMemStorage(); CvSeq lines; while (CvWindow.WaitKey(10) < 0) { src = cap.QueryFrame(); halfFrame = new IplImage(new CvSize(src.Size.Width / 2, src.Size.Height / 2), BitDepth.U8, 3); Cv.PyrDown(src, halfFrame, CvFilter.Gaussian5x5); gray = new IplImage(src.Size, BitDepth.U8, 1); dstCanny = new IplImage(src.Size, BitDepth.U8, 1); storage.Clear(); // Crop off top half of image since we're only interested in the lower portion of the video int halfWidth = src.Width / 2; int halfHeight = src.Height / 2; int startX = halfWidth - (halfWidth / 2); src.SetROI(new CvRect(0, halfHeight - 0, src.Width - 1, src.Height - 1)); gray.SetROI(src.GetROI()); dstCanny.SetROI(src.GetROI()); src.CvtColor(gray, ColorConversion.BgrToGray); Cv.Smooth(gray, gray, SmoothType.Gaussian, 5, 5); Cv.Canny(gray, dstCanny, 50, 200, ApertureSize.Size3); canny.Image = dstCanny; storage.Clear(); lines = dstCanny.HoughLines2(storage, HoughLinesMethod.Probabilistic, 1, Math.PI / 180, 50, 50, 100); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Total; i++) { CvLineSegmentPoint elem = lines.GetSeqElem<CvLineSegmentPoint>(i).Value; int dx = elem.P2.X - elem.P1.X; int dy = elem.P2.Y - elem.P1.Y; double angle = Math.Atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / Math.PI; if (Math.Abs(angle) <= 10) continue; if (elem.P1.Y > elem.P2.Y + 50 || elem.P1.Y < elem.P2.Y -50 ) { src.Line(elem.P1, elem.P2, CvColor.Red, 2, LineType.AntiAlias, 0); } } src.ResetROI(); storage.Clear(); w.Image = src; } } } } opencv版本 #include "stdafx.h" #include <highgui.h> #include <cv.h> #include <math.h> using namespace cv; using namespace std; #define INF 99999999 CvCapture* g_capture = NULL; int g_slider_pos = 0 ; int frame_count = 0; CvSeq* lines; int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { cvNamedWindow( "show"); g_capture=cvCreateFileCapture( "D:\\road.avi"); IplImage* frame; while(1) { CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(); frame=cvQueryFrame(g_capture); //set the ROI of the original image int x = 0,y = frame->height/2; int width = frame->width,height = frame->height/2; if(!frame) break; cvSetImageROI(frame,cvRect(x,y,width,height)); IplImage* gray = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(frame),8,1); cvCvtColor(frame,gray,CV_BGR2GRAY); cvCanny(gray,gray,50,100); cvShowImage("canny",gray); cvSmooth(gray,gray,CV_GAUSSIAN,3,1,0); //Hough lines = cvHoughLines2(gray,storage,CV_HOUGH_PROBABILISTIC,1,CV_PI/180,50,90,50); //select approprivate lines acoording to the slope for (int i = 0;i < lines->total;i ++) { double k =INF; CvPoint* line = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(lines,i); int dx = line[1].x - line[0].x; int dy = line[1].x - line[0].y; double angle = atan2(dy,dx) * 180 /CV_PI; if (abs(angle) <= 10) continue; if (line[0].y > line[1].y + 50 || line[0].y < line[1].y - 50) { cvLine(frame,line[0],line[1],CV_RGB(255,0,0),2,CV_AA); } } cvResetImageROI(frame); cvShowImage( "show",frame); char c = cvWaitKey(33); if(c==27) break; } cvReleaseCapture(&g_capture); cvDestroyWindow( "show"); return 0; } 非常希望有弄这方面的人能和我讨论一下,若转载请注明出处,谢谢。